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- Beginner Book Series|兰登双语经典*Bilingual*age4-8岁
Beginner Book Series|兰登双语经典*Bilingual*age4-8岁
SGD 89.90
SGD 89.90
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What could make a better present than a classic Beginner Book? This series had taken the complete text and art of three beloved P.D. Eastman titles: Go, Dog. Go!, Are You My Mother?, and The Best Nest; Robert Lopshire's Put Me In the Zoo (the first of his books featuring the character Spot); Marilyn Sadler and Roger Bollen's It's Not Easy Being a Bunny (the first PJ Funnybunny story); and Mike McClintock's charming, cautionary tale A Fly Went By, and bound them together in one sturdy hardcover omnibus. A perfect introduction to reading that will whet young readers appetites for additional books in the Beginner Book series.
24 Titles :
《你是我的妈妈么》 Are you my mother?
《狗狗向前冲》 Go, Dog. Go!
《对玫瑰花过敏的小马》Robert the Rose Horse
《无处容身的小鱼》A Fish out of water
《世界上最棒的鸟窝》 The Best Nest
《我想住进动物园》 Put me in the zoo
《我想来个大变身》I want to be somebody new!
《山姆和萤火虫》 Sam and the Firefly
《头顶十个苹果》Ten apples up on the top!
《我想长一双鸭子脚》I wish that I had duck feet
《一只苍蝇引起的故事》 A Fly went by
《做只兔子不容易》It's not easy being a Bunny
《甜甜兔的烦恼》 Honeybunny Funnybunny
《拍拍翅膀飞上天》Flap your Wings
《四只小狗和一条虫子》 4 pups and a worm
《奶牛飞行记》Come down now, Flying cow!
《脑筋转转转》 Riddles and more Riddles!
《狗狗挖掘机》The Digging-est Dog
《松鼠滑雪队》Squirrels on Skis
《你见过我的恐龙吗?》 Have you seen my Dinosaur?
《大狗和小狗》Big Dog Little Dog
《抓住那个球》Stop that Ball
《夏天畅想曲》 Summer
Price: S$89.90 (Set of 24 books)
Recommended age: From 4 to 8 years old
Language: Bilingual (Simplified Chinese and English)
Paperback; 21cm x 15cm
24 Titles :
《你是我的妈妈么》 Are you my mother?
《狗狗向前冲》 Go, Dog. Go!
《对玫瑰花过敏的小马》Robert the Rose Horse
《无处容身的小鱼》A Fish out of water
《世界上最棒的鸟窝》 The Best Nest
《我想住进动物园》 Put me in the zoo
《我想来个大变身》I want to be somebody new!
《山姆和萤火虫》 Sam and the Firefly
《头顶十个苹果》Ten apples up on the top!
《我想长一双鸭子脚》I wish that I had duck feet
《一只苍蝇引起的故事》 A Fly went by
《做只兔子不容易》It's not easy being a Bunny
《甜甜兔的烦恼》 Honeybunny Funnybunny
《拍拍翅膀飞上天》Flap your Wings
《四只小狗和一条虫子》 4 pups and a worm
《奶牛飞行记》Come down now, Flying cow!
《脑筋转转转》 Riddles and more Riddles!
《狗狗挖掘机》The Digging-est Dog
《松鼠滑雪队》Squirrels on Skis
《你见过我的恐龙吗?》 Have you seen my Dinosaur?
《大狗和小狗》Big Dog Little Dog
《抓住那个球》Stop that Ball
《夏天畅想曲》 Summer
Price: S$89.90 (Set of 24 books)
Recommended age: From 4 to 8 years old
Language: Bilingual (Simplified Chinese and English)
Paperback; 21cm x 15cm
1 available