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- Chinese Idioms Flashcard | 成语小学堂* Simplified Chinese*age 5-8岁
Chinese Idioms Flashcard | 成语小学堂* Simplified Chinese*age 5-8岁
Containing 60 big flash cards per box, this is a must have for all pre-schoolers up to lower primary. Each card containing one 成语with hanyu pinyin. At the back of each card, there will be explanation on the idiom meaning, a sample sentence using the idiom, other similar meaning idioms and opposite meaning idioms.
A fun, simple and quick way to pick up basic Chinese idioms!
60 Idioms includes:
事半功倍 水滴石穿 庞然大物 火冒三丈 手舞足蹈
进退两难 面红耳赤 自投罗网 虚张声势 出其不意
五彩缤纷 夜深人静 悬崖勒马 全神贯注 鸟语花香
千钧一发 暴跳如雷 锲而不舍 无忧无虑 风吹草动
心平气和 饥寒交迫 黄粱美梦 七手八脚 兴高采烈
风和日丽 埋头苦干 铺张浪费 迫不及待 不以为然
马不停蹄 同心协力 仗势欺人 恍然大悟 刻舟求剑
山珍海味 后来居上 画龙点睛 风雨同舟 班门弄斧
豁然开朗 打草惊蛇 得意忘形 轻而易举 尽人皆知
左顾右盼 能言善辩 一意孤行 大材小用 束手无策
翻天覆地 气喘吁吁 不由自主 面不改色 精神抖擞
脚踏实地 胡思乱想 不劳而获 一箭双雕 井底之蛙
Price: S$11.90 (Set of 60 cards)
Recommended age group for sharing : 3 to 6 yrs old
Recommended age group: From 5 to 8 yrs old
Language: Simplified Chinese & HYPY (only on the Chinese idioms)
Card size: 19cm x 10cm