- Serial Books
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- Teenager Series|青春期手册* Simplified Chinese*age 11 yr old+
Teenager Series|青春期手册* Simplified Chinese*age 11 yr old+
During teenage years, there are many development still going on both physically and mentally. Very often, teenager finds it difficult to approach their parents because they find it uncool to talk or simply shy away from it. This series of books are specially design to address this and your teenager can read it at their own pace.
There are boy and girl series, each containing 2 books. A good read that covers most questions and doubts that they have.
Girl Series consist of 2 books. One on self protection; Topics include how to avoid and handle potentially dangerous/bully situation in school, in the public, when travelling overseas or even on internet; avoid being alone with the opposite sex and etc. The other book focus topics on physical development expected during the teenage years. Parents can read it to understand the current common questions your teenager face.
Boys Series consist of 2 books. One focus on all sensitive physical development expected for boy in their teenage years. All questions that appear embarrassing to ask parents and even friends can be found here. Another book focus on the Psychological development, boys from age 10 onwards will experience many roller coaster emotions and unexplained anger, depression and even the desire to be rebellious. Want to know why? Read on to find out…..
Below are the topics on each book
Girl Series :
Book 1 女孩你要学会保护自己
第1章 你要有保护自己的意识
第2章 保护好自己才能享受舒心的校园生活
第3章 在真实的社会历练自己、保护自己
第4章 面对各类突发状况,保护好自己
第5章 识别陌生人的骚扰,不上当受骗
第6章 保护好自己,踏对青春的脚步
第7章 防范形形色色的网络骗局
Book 2 女孩青春期手册目录
第1章 “神秘”敲开了青春之门
第2章 谁能给我上一堂性教育课
第3章 “情感诱惑”想挡也挡不住
第4章 那个名叫“友谊”的东西
第5章 躁动的青春,阴晴不定的我
第6章 爸爸妈妈,请听听我的声音
第7章 烦恼的苦水只能自己吞
第8章 “危险”的青春,离我很近
第9章 学习,这件“恼人的事”
第10章 关于理想这东西
第11章 有一种痛叫“成长”
第12章 我要做个健康的美少女
Boy Series:
Book 1 致青春期男孩:身体篇
第1章 你闻到**的味道了吗?
第2章 这些“男人的烦恼”
第3章 我想更帅一点儿
第4章 心动与恋爱
第5章 接吻和性
第6章 怀孕和生育
第7章 在青春期调理出健康美丽
第8章 “君子不立危墙”,我要保护好自己
Book 2 致青春期男孩:心理篇
第1章 无人倾诉的烦恼
第2章 我就是我,做*好的自己
第3章 学习,多大点事儿
第4章 关于交朋友的一些事儿
第5章 青春拒绝阴霾
第6章 安抚常常不安的情绪
第7章 我能处理好有关女孩的问题
第8章 叛逆不是我的错
第9章 网络好还是坏,关键在于你自己
Recommended: Above 11 years old
Language: Simplified Chinese
Paperback; 23cm x 17 cm